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Partition Types and Names

Every Macintosh partition has a "type" and a "name".  Both of these pieces of information are simple strings.  Usually, the name of a partition can be anything you want.  However, there are several important types that you should know about, including:
Apple_partition_map partition map
Apple_Driver43 disk drivers
Apple_Patches Mac OS patches
Apple_HFS Mac OS volumes
Apple_UNIX_SVR2 MkLinux partitions

Both standard (HFS) and extended (HFS+) Mac OS volumes are usually contained in partitions with the "Apple_HFS" type.  The name of an Apple_HFS partition may not be the same as the name of the Mac OS volume that it contains. The names of the MkLinux filesystem partitions are ignored, so it's handy to name them for their intended purpose (e.g., root, home, usr, var, tmp, etc.).

The MkLinux installer assigns partitions named "swap" for use as swap space.

This disc contains three partitioning programs, with varying capabilities:

Drive Setup

A standard Mac OS utility. Drive Setup can partition Apple drives (both IDE and SCSI), but it can't create the A/UX partitions used by MkLinux or LinuxPPC.

Apple HD SC Setup

An older MacOS utility which can partition any SCSI drive, but no IDE drives. It is capable of creating A/UX partitions.


A command line Mac OS/MkLinux utility capable of creating A/UX partitions.

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