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Apple HD SC Setup

Apple HD SC Setup is an older partitioner from Apple that still comes in handy occasionally.  HD SC Setup originated in an era when Apple used SCSI drives exclusively.  Therefore it will not recognize your IDE drives.  It can, however, make A/UX partitions, as used by MkLinux.

By default, HD SC Setup will work on Apple drives only, but it can be patched (AT YOUR OWN RISK) to accept other drives:

Copy Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.5 from the CD to a writable Mac OS drive.

Change the one byte in the "wfwr" ID 67 resource from "00" to "FF".

For more information, see http://www.euronet.nl/users/ernstoud/patch.html

Using HD SC Setup

Start Apple HD SC Setup
You will see the window below. Click on the right hand Drive button until you locate the SCSI drive you intend to partition. When the appropriate drive is indicated, press the Partition button on the left hand side.

HDSetup Window

Select Partition Scheme
Now you will see a dialog box which allow you to select the disk partition scheme to be created. The application has a number of standard partition schemes available. Rather than use one of the predefined schemes let's create a custom partition. Click on the right hand Custom button and then press OK.

Partition Scheme Dialog

Partitions Dialog
You are next presented with a dialog box which graphically illustrates the partitions currently on your disk. You should note a couple of things. First, the partition which holds the partition table is not shown. It is still present, it is just not shown. Second, there is a partition present which holds a device driver for this disk. This is a Macintosh device driver, and it is only needed if you intend to have a Macintosh Volume on the drive, otherwise, you can remove it.

The figure shows a disk which has already had a number of partitions created. In this case, they happen to be A/UX partitions used by MkLinux. You won't be so lucky. Regions of the disk which are free (don't belong to a partition) are gray. Remove any pre-existing partitions by clicking on them and pressing the Remove button. Remember that you will lose any data in these partitions by doing this.

New Partition Dialog

Select the Partition Type
We want to fill the free (gray) area with a new partition. Click in this area with the mouse. A new dialog box will open. This box presents you with a list of partition types and an edit box for specifying the size of the partition in kilobytes.

I have previously created an A/UX Root Slice 0 and an A/UX Swap slice 1 partition on this disk. Now I want to create an A/UX Usr slice 2 partition which fills most of the remainder of the disk. The amount of available free space is shown on the right. Enter the size of the new partition in the edit box and click OK.

I normally create a small (40-80M) Macintosh Volume on my MkLinux disks which I can use for file transfers. You will note that the free space dialog shows a different value in this figure than in the previous one. The screen shot was really made after creating the Usr slice and during creation of the HFS partition.

Partition Type Dialog

Final Partition View
As you can see from this figure, I've created a root partition of approximately 780M, a swap partition of approximately 64M, a usr partition of approximately 1.2G and finally, a 60M Macintosh volume. (I tend to name my Macintosh disks after famous film directors. This one was named after Werner Herzog, the director of Fitzcarraldo.)

Partition View Dialog

To view the complete details of your disk's partition table, press the Details button. You will be presented with a dialog box showing the complete partition table information for the disk.

Partition Details Dialog

When you are satisfied with the layout of your partitions, press the Done button.


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