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Web Development Team

Fred Bacon
Gilbert Coville
Joseph Manga Fahs
Taro Fukunaga
David Gatwood
Gary Graves
Jon Harms
Jon Howell
Claudio Jeker
David Kilzer
Donovan Kolbly
Elgin Lee
Rich Morin
Tom Rini
Joshua Rosenau
Michael Santos
Marius Schamschula
Justin Vallon
Tim Verhoeven
Tom Vier

Kernel Development Team

Fred Bacon
Gilbert Coville
David Gatwood
David Kilzer
Donovan Kolbly
Elgin Lee
Tom Rini
Michael Santos
Justin Vallon
Tom Vier
Kevin Mitchell

Fred Bacon

By day, Fred Bacon works as a physicist/programmer for Aerodyne Research, Inc. in the Center for Optical Signature Recognition. All of his computer codes are developed on MkLinux. His graduate work was on Monte Carlo modeling of radiation transport in a marine environment to study the effects of naval nuclear accidents.

By night, Fred works on MkLinux, mostly on the userland packages. His primary interest is in helping to make Linux on the PowerPC(tm) a viable environment for scientific modeling and computation.

His real job appears to be feeding and walking his dog, Enkidu, a three year old Keeshond.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: Center for Optical Signature Recognition

Gilbert Coville

No information available.

Joseph M. Fahs

Joseph is currently a sophmore at Dartmouth College, majoring in Psychology and with a great interest in the classics. Joe is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, new Hampshire Alpha fraternity and is the Rush Chair for the Intra fraternity Council. His other activities have included Programming Board, Student Assembly, and intramural sports. Joe is currently a SAPA (Sexual Assault Peer Advisor) and a student consultant for Dartmouth's Computing Consulting Group.

In his free time, Joe enjoys movies, music, professional and college sports, and simple home improvement. He volunteers his time with various projects looking to improve and provide housing for the disadvataged in the Upper-Valley Region of N.H.

Joe is proficient with the Macintosh and Windows operating systems and Macintosh hardware and sowftware. Joe first started using UNIX in high school during the advent of the WWW. He has been using MkLinux for nearly a year and contributes to the web site with the portions on installation and basic use.

Email: [email protected]

Taro Fukunaga

No information available.

David Gatwood

David Gatwood is currently coordinating the kernel development efforts, and is also an active developer/programmer. As part of his many MkLinux-related activities, he maintains the MkLinux.ORG servers, including backups, failure detection, and hardware maintenance..

David's primary work in MkLinux, however, is in driver development and maintenance. To these ends, he has made numerous enhancements to the IDE and floppy drivers, including AMIC DMA support (6/7/8100) for floppies. He is currently working on package compiles for the MkLinux R1 release in his spare time.

David also ported the floppy driver to Mac OS X for use on beige G3 desktops and Wallstreet PowerBooks.

In real life, David recently completed his master's degree in computer science at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He still finds time to play trombone in the UCSC Wind Ensemble.

For a living, David works at Apple Computer writing developer documentation for Mac OS X and Darwin, and is involved in development for HeaderDoc.

David also has a background in broadcasting, and occasionally does independent film production. In addition, back when he had time, he drew a weekly comic strip on the web called Tech Magazine. Finally, David is also in the process of making a CD, under the band name "Thirty-Six".

Email: dgatwood PERCH at apple dot com (use @ and . and remove anti-spam fish to mail)
WWW: http://www.gatwood.net/

Gary Graves

No information available.

Jon Harms

Jon Harms is a System Developer Lead for Cerner Corporation, a corporation "Making Healthcare Smarter". His current responsibilites include managing a small team that does support/bug fixes for Desktop Management Applications.

Jon's primary work in MkLinux is currently in web development and the maintenance of mach-linux.org. Jon has been using MkLinux since DR2 and will continue to until his 6100/66 is too old to use anymore.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://mach-linux.org/

Jon Howell

Jon Howell is a graduate student at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. He wrote the CGI scripts behind the FAQ-O-Matic, a user-maintained Frequently Asked Questions list, used by MkLinux and LinuxPPC.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~jonh/

Claudio Jeker

Claudio Jeker studies electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. At the moment, he is working on TOPSY, a Teachable Operating System, an implementation of a tiny and simple micro kernel for teaching purposes. That keeps him busy most of the time.

He is just one of those Un*x freaks. Claudio's work in MkLinux is getting better support for PowerBooks especially the 5300 (the one he owns).
He is also developing a LDAP implementation for qmail.

He spends his leisure time with skiing, badminton, biking, boy scouting and photographing.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~cjeker/

David Kilzer

David Kilzer is employed as a software engineer at a large company in Dallas, Texas, USA that is featured on the The Dilbert Index. His primary tasks at work include C and Perl programming, HTML authoring, system administration and answering computer-related questions from co-workers.

Since his day job isn't challenging enough, David hacks code under Linux in his spare time. He works on the MkLinux kernel to keep his Power Macintosh 8500/150 running, but currently his main project is the Macintosh port of Linux/m68k where he plays the role of patch integrator for the 2.1.x/2.2.x kernels. He is currently looking at setting up a CVS repository for the Mac Linux/m68k project since diff integration really sucks.

In his "spare" time, David takes care of his cat, Cloey, and likes to watch The Discovery Channel.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://home.earthlink.net/~ddkilzer/

Donovan Kolbly

No information available.

Elgin Lee

No information available.

Rich Morin

Rich Morin edited and published Apple Computer's Reference Release for MkLinux ("MkLinux: Microkernel Linux for the Power Macintosh"). That aside, however, he is not a great resource for MkLinux answers; in fact, he asks mklinux-setup for help at the slightest provocation.

The mklinux.org machine (a Power Mac 7100/80) is housed in Canta Forda Computer Lab's "machine room", which also contains FreeBSD and SunOS boxes. Rich reboots the box when it gets overfull of herring, but has little other direct involvement. This is, after all, a volunteer web site!

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.ptf.com/~rdm/

Tom Rini

Tom is currently enjoying his senior year at RHAM HS. When he's not being bored in class, he's working on something or other computer related. He's also not much on self-promotion, so this shall be brief.

For the MkLinux community, He's ported the Linux server up to 2.0.36 from 2.0.28 or there abouts, and worked various bits of the mouse driver.. Currently he's putting the finishing touches on R5 rpms.

When all else fails, he can be found on EFNet in #MkLinux as Tartarus.

email: [email protected]

Joshua Rosenau

No information available.

Michael Santos

No information available.

Marius Schamschula

Marius Schamschula is an assistant physics professor at Alabama A & M University. When not teaching courses in general physics and optics, he spends his workday doing research related to remote sensing and soil hydrology. His duties at work also include being the campus Macintosh support person and running the physics department computer lab.

His involvement with the mklinux group is as mirror administrator (and sometimes html fixer-upper). He first installed mklinux DR1 on a 6100/66 and has run all subsequent versions on a variety of Macs and Mac Clones.

Other interests include programming in Java, fooling around with other flavors of Unix (mainly IRIX, Linux, Darwin, and NetBSD), Macs, sailboat racing, and windsurfing.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.caos.aamu.edu/marius/

Justin Vallon

No information available.

Tim Verhoeven

No information available.

Tom Vier

Tom Vier, idles on EFnet (as nester or heh2k) and can often be found in #mklinux or working on wipe, his secure file wiper.

Tom's primary MkLinux work has been maintaining the Linux server and serial support for PDM/Nubus machines.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: Zero Page

Kevin Mitchell

Kevin Mitchell is the author of GifConverter, a popular shareware Macintosh image viewing and editting program.

Kevin's main contribution to MkLinux was getting NewerTech G3 upgrades to work on the x100 series in certain circumstances.

Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.kamit.com/

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